Total dapet 9 days off from the office fitting widths 2013. Direct gatel want to wander. i need refreshing. Where .. Where yah yah ..Finally the choice fell on Tanjung Dimples, Banten. Sempet was stripped want to Bali or Lombok * (NorakBelomPernahKeLombok). But the intention undone as bbrp it .. finally find that deket2 aja, who use a car to reach bs. We go date August 3 to 6, 2013, 4 days and 3 nights.Tanjung Lesung quite far from Jakarta, approximately 4.5 to 5 hours of use Mobil. Armed with the knowledge gw if there are eating places there’s nothing open (knowingly still fasting), I finally decided to go shopping to carefour before leaving, so will we ngeborong MIE2 instant, nuggets, small gas for cooking, bbrp herbs, sm mineral water * ga may call for the brand.Tanjung Lesung is about 2 hours from Anyer, somewhat remote location so, perhaps this is what makes the Cape Lesung not as famous as Anyer. I personally still prefer the Tanjung Dimples than Anyer, besides sounded more private, the beach is still clean. Villa there was only a few complexes, among others Villa Kalica and Tanjung Lesung beach hotel. So it feel very private atmosphere.