1. Rule of Thirds
    Easy, the rule of thirds means dividing the image into 9 equal segments using 2 horizontal lines and 2 vertical lines.
    This way, it will be easier to adjust the position of the object and we can get results that are more balanced and more visually attractive.
    Some cameras have added this function, so that its use can be more practical.

  2. Elemental Balance
    If you place all the interesting objects in your photo in the middle, or outside the middle segment of the rule of thirds, while on the other side they are left blank, you will make your photo unbalanced and not attractive at all.
    Therefore, it is important to balance your photos so that they are not “heavy” next, for example by placing other objects on the empty side.

  3. Leading Lines
    Utilizing the lines in the image can help us direct the attention of the viewers, both to look at the object of the photo and explore each corner of the photo.
    Leading lines can be straight, wavy, diagonal, zigzag or other lines.
    Everything can be used to add to the composition of our photos.

  4. Symmetry and Pattern
    Something symmetrical or something that has a pattern in general does spoil the eye.
    We can photograph something symmetrical or patterned to capture the attention of the person who sees.
    Another way to use symmetry and patterns is to “damage” them, for example by adding an object on one side.
    This can bring up something different there by making the photo no longer symmetrical or patterned monotone.

  5. Viewpoint
    Before photographing something, think carefully where you will take it from.
    The point of view can have a large impact on the composition of our photos, and of course it will have an impact on the people who see them later.
    Don’t be limited to just shooting from eye level, try shooting from different and unusual sides.
    Experiment so that you can find which perspective is right for the object.

  6. Background
    The background can be two sides of different blades.
    On the one hand it can beautify our photos, but on the other hand it can confuse viewers.
    Background photos that are “crowded” can switch viewers’ views from the actual photo object.
    Therefore, if the focus of our photo is a particular object, look for a background that is simple and not too flashy, so that the viewers’ view can focus on our photo object.

  7. Depth
    Because photography is a two-dimensional media, we must be as smart as possible to arrange the composition in order to impress the actual depth or depth of the scene we are shooting.
    You can set the depth of field in such a way, or by making objects in the background, middle, and foreground overlay (overlay) so that the viewers know which ones are in front, which ones are behind.

  8. Frame
    This world is full of natural frames that we can use to frame the main objects of our photos, such as rows of trees, holes, open parts of things, curved lines, and so on.
    Everything we can use to produce photos that are more focused and can attract the attention of viewers directly to the main object.

  9. Cropping
    Sometimes the objects from our photos are too small and can sink and disappear between the background or other objects around them.
    By cropping our photos and eliminating or reducing the surrounding background, we can ensure that the attention of the viewers will focus on the actual object of our photo.

  10. Experiment!
    Again and again, we definitely recommend you to experiment. In the era of digital photography like this, a photographer does not need to worry about the film being wasted because of a wrong trial shot.
    We can photograph millions of photos without fear of running out of films or removing thousands of failed shots without worrying about having to spend extra money to buy films.
    Experiment with your ideas, because we won’t know whether an idea will work if we don’t try it.


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