How to Download Video From Facebook at PC And Smartphone

the video recording of each program will be one way out to capture
important moments which will then be uploaded via YouTube.
download a video via YouTube did not have any reservation, only need a
third party application such as TubeMate to download videos from
now with the many applications found on Play Store is now not uncommon
for those who want megunggah video switch to other applications such as
Facebook, Vine, etc.
Because it feels easier and faster than upload it to YouTube which can be seen by everyone all over the world.

number of videos uploaded your friends through social networks such as
Facebook can sometimes make us want to save and have the video, so it’s
not uncommon to run into trouble when you want to download the video
from Facebook.
And in this article we will discuss about how to download Facebook video from PC and Android devices. Facebook currently does not have the option to download videos through the Android mobile phone or PC. For
that this time we will give you a little method that can be used as an
alternative way to download videos from Android and PC. Here are the way

How to Download Video From Facebook at PC And Smartphone

1. Versi Web (Komputer/PC)

Using Facebook to a PC is to give satisfaction to the users Facebook is because aside from the Web version looks great and extensive than that if it will download a video was deemed easier and less complicated because it requires only one additional applications such as or , And there are two methods to download Facebook video from the PC:

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First method

In this method using only a Web browser (Google Chrome / Mozilla Firefox) to be able to download videos from YouTube easily and quickly. The trick is as follows:

     Sign in and run a Facebook account then locate the video to be downloaded
     Click on the video and wait until it appears
     Change â € œwwwâ € ?? OEMâ be â € € ?? in the Address bar and press Enter
     The video will show up and play again on another page. Right-click on and select Save Video As to download the video.

Another Methode to Download Video from Facebook

The second method is slightly different from the first method above because to be able to download videos from YouTube or Facebook.dibutuhkan a special website to be able to download video tersbut. How to to download videos from Facebook melallui PC is sebgai follows:
  • Sign in alamat
  • Enter at your Facebook account then copy the link address of the video you want to download
  • Open the website of the search and then paste the link address that has been copied in step number 2
  • Click Download that appears below the video to be downloaded
  • Video will automatically begin to download
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Also Read This:

  • How to Cope with Facebook Slow and Not Be Opened
  • How To Get Out Of Group FB
  • Solutions For Facebook application Lemot

Cara Download Video Facebook2. Versi Android

For those of you who prefer to use Facebook through the Android phone because it feels more simple and can be taken anywhere to be sure you see the video from your Android, then what if you want to download the video through the Android? Below is a method and a way to download videos from Facebook via Android without using a PC.

Download Using My Video Downloader

It takes an additional application on Android you if you want to download each video up using Android without copying the link address of the video you are able to directly download videos from Facebook. This application can be obtained by downloading it from the Google Play Store that is definitely there on your Android handphne. how to use additional applications are as berikut:

  • Go to the Google Play Store and download the application bernama MyVideoDownloader for Facebook
  • Start running the application then please go to the Facebook account Alian
  • To access the menu, scroll to the right. And to find the video to be downloaded, and select News Feed
  • Click on the small tick icon located on the side of the video to be downloaded and then click the top right corner of the icon download
  • Prose will berlangsug download and save video on your Android SD Card
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Metode Alternatif [Menggunakan Video Downloader]Another method that you can try to download Facebook video with Android is to use other additional applications, namely FB Video Downloader can be obtained via the Google Play Store as well as on additional applications on the first method earlier. And to begin downloading can be done as follows below:

  • Sign on the Play Store and download the application FB Video Downloader
  • Begin to run the application and get in on your Facebook account
  • Select the video you want to download by going to the menu
  • Click Download to begin downloading the video from Facebbok, so the video will begin to save on your Android phone

Those are some ways that you can practice to download videos from Facebook via PC and Android. Hopefully the above methods can help to find and download the video you want, good luck and good luck!


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