20 Photo Composition Techniques to Improve Photography Skills

1. Rule of Third Photo Composition
Rule of Third is one of the most basic photo compositions and must be known by photographers.
You can simply divide the photo field into 9 equal size boxes and place POI (point of interest) on a point or line in a field divided into 3 x 3.
Interesting points (IP) have 4 points, while Interesting Lines consist of 2 horizontal lines and 2 vertical lines.
Point of Interest placed on the four points or lines above can be objects or parts of the eye of your object.
Many digital cameras today have provided these rules of third (grid) features, either on the live view mode screen or in the view finder.

2. Composition of Golden Shape Photos
The composition of Golden Shape is the composition of a photo by dividing a photo field either with a real line or a virtual edge into a positive negative so that it looks like there is a contrast between the two fields to form a harmonious whole.
The principle of Golden Shape »by dividing the positive-negative plane properly and balanced, the photo will appear to be well composed.

3. Composition of Symmetrical Photos (Centred Composition)
This photo composition places the object and divides the photo field equally flat right and left so that it looks symmetrical.

4. Composition of Photo Repetition and Pattern
Instinctively, humans are very interested in harmonious patterns or patterns. This is why photos with patterned or repetitive compositions can be a good photo work.
A pattern (pattern) and repetition (repetition) can be obtained by choosing the right photo angle and choosing the distance between the lens and objects in such a way.

5. Perspective Photo Composition
Perspective is a technique of shooting by utilizing the far-reaching effects produced by the lens giving rise to a very charming dimension.
The principle in the composition of Perspective is to utilize the effects of proportions and dimensions generated to strengthen and direct our eyes to the POI or display a stand-alone perspective as a form of the beauty of composition.
You can get this by setting the right angle and distance so you can get dimensional photos.

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6. Composition of Photo Frames in Frame
With the frame in frame technique, we are making a composition of photos by directing or guiding the eye to pay attention to what is inside a “frame” to the exclusion of what is outside the “frame”.
Frame here is not a photo frame in physical form, but you are looking for objects that can be used as “frames” in the form of real or virtual lines.
Look for elements such as windows, doors, corridors, mirrors, building pillars, arches or any object that is generally geometrically closed to frame your POI.

7. Composition of Leading Lines Photos
One of the most interesting compositions in my opinion is Leading Lines. Line or line here can be virtual or real which leads us to objects that are POIs ..
… or
the line itself becomes the POI in your photo.
Search for objects such as roads, walls, bridges or anything that can form a virtual line and direct the eye to the actual object (POI).

8. Composition of Negative Space Photos
Negative Space Composition is one of the creative compositions that allows a lot of free space or negative space in the photo.
Empty space here can be a sky, a vast expanse of desert, grasslands or anything that can provide “empty space” in the photo.
By providing the right blank space, your photos can look very attractive and creative.

9. Balance of Photo Elements
Composition by balancing elements in photos is a very interesting technique and requires more creativity.

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10. Composition of Golden Spiral or Golden Ratio Photos
If you make a rectangle with a proportion of 1: 1,618, then slice it into smaller rectangles, then get a spiral shape or commonly called the Golden Spiral.
This spiral shape is obtained from the calculation of the Fibonacci Number, so that the spiral shape is also known as “Fibonacci Spiral”.
Imagine a snail house, that is the composition of the Golden Spiral. The distance to the center is getting smaller and smaller, but it can be striped unreal.
The implementation can vary, such as down stairs, flowers with rotating petals, even those that are truly virtual like human portraits compared to the composition around them.

11. Change your Point of View
Ideally, a photo is usually taken at the eye level or as the eye sees.
Well, to get more creative results, you can change the angle of your shot by shooting from a height, or raising your camera (bird eye), and vice versa, lowering your camera to the lowest (ant eye).
This is the meaning of Change your Point of View.
Many Cityscape or Wild Life photographers, for example, who deliberately lie in the mud to get interesting photos by choosing low angle.

12. Composition of Photo Reflections
Reflection on photos may be the main element (point of interest) or can be explored only as a supplement.
If photo reflection is the main element, it must be able to provide a photo that tells a story even if it’s just a reflection.
Reflection is usually very familiar with the photographer who likes abstract beauty or minimalism with reflection composition as the main POI.
Tools that are usually used to get reflections can vary, for example puddles, calm lakes, unplanted rice fields, rivers, windows, mirrors and even glasses to mirrors and others.
While what is used as an object can be objects, living things, humans and others.

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13. Composition of Photograph Separation
Separation is a composition of photos where there is a very contrasting difference between the object and the background.

14. Motion Blur Photo Composition
Motion blur is a composition element that shows the movement of objects in either the background or foreground or even both.

15. Composition of Noise Photos
Noise on the photo is the appearance of spots or grain on photos resulting from imperfections in the workings of camera sensors due to lack of light.

16. Composition of Photo Filling Frames (Fill the Frame)
As the name implies, to get this composition technique, fill your photo frames with objects.
Draw close to objects and take from certain angles to get creative and interesting photos.

17. Composition of Texture Photos (Texture)
Texture is a photo composition that displays the texture of the object being photographed. With the texture, the details of the object will be more visible especially if aided by good lighting.
18. Color Composition (Color)
The composition of colors or colors can represent emotions, atmosphere, mood and messages that the photographer wants to convey.
19. Rule of Odds
This Rule of Odds composition is rather interesting …
This theory says that a photo will look interesting if there is an odd object or a “disturbance” in the photo.
With the presence of an odd element that is disturbing, it makes the photo connoisseurs feel “unsure” which one should be the center of attention of the photo.
20. Isolation of Objects (Depth of Field)
The composition isolates the object by making the background part blur usually used for photographing humans or portaiture or any object that aims to make photo lovers only focus on the highlighted object.


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