Poetry Writing Steps

Poetry Writing Steps

Rules of Poetry Writing

In modern poetry, there is almost no standard rule in poetry writing. Unlike the old poems. Pantun misahnya. Each stanza consists of four lines, AB AB or AA AA, the first line of the two samples and the third line of the four contents. Modern poetry is a free poem. Unbound by rules. It’s just that, in line with the understanding we discussed earlier, the sentences or words in the poem must be compressed and abbreviated. Yes, if long can be a short story. Hehe.

The Benefits of Poetry Writing

Actually there are so many benefits of writing poetry. Here we will discuss some points only.

1. Means of self-disclosure. Poetry is a means for us to express ourselves or to pour out our hearts with figurative language or beautiful language. Not with vulgar language and what it is. Nor with scientific language.

2. Involved actively in literary activities. Very clearly, writing poetry is one way for us to literature.

3. Enhance self-creativity. Writing activities, including writing poetry, are creative activities. Because in it requires the creativity of someone to pour his ideas in the form of different words or beautiful words. Or rather, the figurative words that are strung together into a poem.

As for other benefits such as famous, income, and some other benefits that are in line with both of those things we think of as the effect of writing poetry. Because the essence of writing poetry is not for both. Then, what if because we write poetry then we become famous and rich? Yes, no problem. Think of sustenance. Means people appreciate our work.

The Purpose of Poetry Writing

Essentially the main purpose of writing poetry is to express or convey the heart’s content in writing in a beautiful language. However, regarding other objectives we do not need to discuss. Because every writer has their own goals and we can not blame or align their goals. Any poem directed to anyone and for whatever it is the absolute right of the author. Can not be contested! Like the jury’s decision in the race. Hehe.

It’s just that I’m a bit of a suggestion with all of us. Make sure our intentions are good or straight. Would not our good intention be recorded as good? And when we do good, then we are doing good for ourselves. Right?

Terms of Poetry Writing

No different from other literary works, writing poetry there are conditions. What are the requirements? Come on, see

1. Define the theme. Already a haliton a literary work should have a theme. The theme is the foundation of a writing, both literary and nonsastra. And poetry, which is included in a row of literary works, clearly the contents of the theme in it.

2. Dictionary selection. This is a bit different from other papers. In writing poetry we should be very concerned about the diction. It will greatly affect the reader. If the dicsinya good, it will be easy to read or played. However, if otherwise, the reader or listener will not be comfortable.

3. Maximizing the majas. The use of masters will make sentences in poems full of meaning. That way the reader does not need to be confined with the intended meaning of the author, can also be interpreted with other meanings.

4. Pengimajinasian. We must be able to imagine the senses we feel to be sentences.

Poetry Writing Theory

Writing poetry is a language skill in pouring ideas, ideas, and thoughts in the form of written language by paying attention to the attachment to the elements of poetry. Writing poetry is also a productive activity that produces literary works.

Poetry Writing Method

As we have discussed above, poetry is a free literary work. Not bound by certain rules. It is clear that the method of writing poetry is also free. In that sense, very many methods can be used in writing poetry.

There is one interesting method in writing poetry, namely the acrostic method. The continuation of this method is the birth of acrostic poetry. Acrostic poems are poems that use letters in a word to start each line in a poem. All lines in poetry tell or describe important word topics. Acrostic poetry is different from other poems, because the first letters of each line spell a word or phrase vertically.

Poetry Writing Procedures

Already understand the theories about poetry? We proceed to the procedure of writing poetry.

1. Ideas. Idea is the spirit in the world of authorship, including poetry. We must be sensitive and dig information as much as possible from anywhere to get ideas.

2. Filtering. We filter out all the information or ideas we get and then we start to decide which ideas are worthy or able to write.

3. Writing. A very important step in writing a poem is to do. Write poems at will.

4. Revisions. After the writing, it would be wise if we correct or revise our writing. This is where we begin to replace the unfavorable diction with good and precise diction, thus further enhancing our poetry.

1. Define the idea. As we have discussed, the idea is a spirit in the world of authorship, including writing poetry. So the first thing to do in writing poetry is to look for ideas.

2. Incorporate imagination. Good imagination will produce good poetry as well. Imagination is identical to the imagery of our sense apparatus.

3. The right theme. Like the idea, the theme is also the spirit of writing poetry. So, determining the right theme before writing poetry is an absolute thing.

4. Create an interesting title. It is undeniable that the title greatly affects reading interest. The more interesting the title, the reader’s interest to read our work (poetry) is getting bigger.

5. Use beautiful words. Essentially poetry is a series of beautiful words. So, writing poetry should use beautiful words. How? Expand reading, multiply the vocabulary. And most importantly, multiply the practice.

6. Create interesting lyrics. When viewed at a glance, poetry is almost similar to poetry. Interesting lyrics will produce a calming atmosphere of poetry.

7. Perwajahan or topography. The contents of the poem are not paragraphs, such as prose. Performation in poetry is bait-shaped. Which feeds contain the meaning of the author himself.

8. Use masters. It is very important for us to be good at using masters in writing poetry. The use of masters will further enhance our poetry.

What to Look For in Poetry Writing

There are five points to consider in writing poetry.
1. Consonant equations.
2. The vowel equation.
The equation of sound at the beginning of the array.
4. The sound equation at the center of the array.
5. The sound equation at the end of the array.

Poetry into Prose

Poetry into prose? Can you? Can. And this has happened. In the literary world turned into prose or other literary form called paraphrase. Or easier with the term memprosakan poetry.

There are two methods of paraphrasing poetry, namely:
A. The paraphrase is bound, that is, to turn a poem into prose by adding words to poetry so poetry sentences are easy to understand. All the words in the poem are still used in the paraphrase.

b. Free paraphrase, ie turning a poem into prose with its own words. Words in poetry may be used, or they may not be used. After we read the poem we interpret it as a whole, then retell it in its own words.

Poetry Writing Tips
Here we present tips on writing poetry.

a. Choose a theme of interest. Before writing, choose a theme that is most popular. Because with the interest of the theme, we will more enjoy writing poetry.

b. Choosing the right diction. Poetry is a beautiful series of sentences, then must be chosen beautiful words.

c. Build atmosphere. That is, we create an atmosphere that we will pour in the form of poetry. The better the atmosphere we build, the better the poetry is born.

d. Baper (bring feelings). Poetry is essentially an expression of feelings. So, one of the important things in writing poetry is to bring feelings in writing.


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